Lee Kent PhD


Hello! I'm Lee, a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Toyoda Lab, University of Tokyo, where I explore the cutting edge of augmented virtuality and spatial computing. Previously, I worked as PhD and then PostDoc at the Design and Manufacturing Futures Lab at the University of Bristol. I have also completed an IET accredited graduate scheme.

My passion lies in crafting interactive and intuitive design tools that bridge the gap between complex technology and unconstrained creativity. Whether it's designing innovative systems or solving complex technical challenges, I bring a combination of technical expertise, organizational prowess, and a collaborative mindset to every project.

I've shared my research through 15+ academic publications, lectures and presentations at international conferences. This portfolio is a showcase of my work and journey - offering a glimpse into the projects, tools, and ideas that drive me. Thank you for stopping by, and feel free to get in touch!

Umbrella Quests

Adventures in the rain

Uni of Turku, Finland Collab

Smart cities getting wiser

ETLTC, Aizu-Wakamatsu

Conference Presenter

Archifuture Blog

Bilingual outputs

IoT Smart City Kyoto

Conference Delegate

Toyoda Lab

Building the Common Ground

University of Tokyo Postdoc

Joining THE University of Tokyo

Nozawaonsen, Japan

True life or anime origin story?

Save the Queen 2

Stealth puzzle game

Thesis Complete

Submitted and defended

Japanese Conjugation Practice

Algorithmising grammar

Game Engines for Research

Lecture on anything but games

Our/AR Lab

Pronounce it how you like

ICED Gothenburg

Conference presenter

Prox and Reverie

Lead XR Consultant for startup

Photospheres for Home Safety

Discovering hazards in the home

Save The Queen

A 3D chess-based puzzle game

3D Printing

The home fab lab expands


Exploring the laser cutter capability

In Charge of a Laser

Building a home fab lab

The First Slice

VR Fantasy Foodtruck Sim

Wholemeal Reality

A trio/team for game jams

NAIST Research Exchange

The lab that built the core of ARCore!

MR Lab Designer

Lab Designer San

3D Catan

Personal project and purpose

VR Lab Residency

Joining the local VR community

City Blocks 2

City Blocks in the world

Build London: Epic Games

Invited to demo project!

ICED Delft

Conference presenter and demo

AVR Salento

Conference presenter with demo

Digital 2Winning

Reconfigurable Controller


Conf Presenter + Student Volunteer

Unreal Academy

Game engine for everything but games

City Blocks

XR + Lego for urban design

Sheepherding Experience

VR on a quadbike!

Level Design and Viz

Exploring Unreal set design


Early prototype testing early AR

Wholemeal Sandwiches

Early prototype testing early VR

Immersive Forest

Situating a 2D animation into 3D space

STEM Outreach

Building an electronics orchestra

Air Guitar

Fretless Guitar with 3D strings

Cisco University Challenge

Hackathon Winners!