


Hermenegildo Solheiro, Lee Kent,  Keisuke Toyoda, 3-2-3 Multi-AI Segmentation Framework: LoD-Based, Incremental Segmentation of 3D Scan Data Using Any 2D AI
In  EuroXR 2024 

David Jones, James Gopsill, Ric Real, Chris Snider, Harry Felton, Lee Kent, Mark Goudswaard, Owen Freeman Gebler, Ben Hicks, The prototype taxonomised: Towards the capture, curation, and integration of physical models in new product development.
In Computers in Industry, 2024.


Kent, L., Snider, C., Gopsill, J., Goudswaard, M., Kukreja, B., Hicks, B. A Hierarchical Machine Learning Workflow For Object Detection of Engineering Components. In Proceedings of the Design Society 3, 201-210, 2023


Kent, L., Gopsill, J., Giunta, L., Goudswaard, M., Snider, C., Hicks, B. Prototyping through the lens of network analysis and visualisation. In International Design Conference, 2022

Giunta, L., Gopsill, J., Kent, L., Goudswaard, M., Snider, C., Hicks, B. Pro2booth: Towards an Improved Tool for Capturing Prototypes and the Prototyping Process. In International Design Conference, 2022

Snider, C., Kent, L., Goudswaard, M., Hicks, B. Integrated Physical-Digital Workflow in Prototyping – Inspirations from the Digital Twin. In International Design Conference, 2022

Goudswaard, M., Kent, L., et al. Virtually Hosted Hackathons For Design Research: Lessons Learned From The International Design Engineering Annual (IDEA) Challenge 2021. In International Design Conference, 2022


Kent, L., Snider, C. and Hicks, B., 2021, June. Mixed Reality Prototyping: Synchronicity and its impact on a design workflow. In Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design (Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 2117-2126). Cambridge University Press.

Kent, Lee, Chris Snider, James Gopsill, and Ben Hicks. ‘Mixed Reality in Design Prototyping: A Systematic Review’. Design Studies 77 (2021): 101046.


Kent, L., Snider, C. and Hicks, B., 2019, June. Engaging Citizens with Urban Planning Using City Blocks, a Mixed Reality Design and Visualisation Platform. In International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics (pp. 51-62). Springer, Cham.

Kent, L., Snider, C. and Hicks, B., 2019, March. Early Stage Digital-Physical Twinning to Engage Citizens with City Planning and Design. In 2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) (pp. 1014-1015). IEEE.

Goudswaard, M., Forbes, H., Kent, L., Snider, C. and Hicks, B., 2019, July. Different approaches to democratise design-are they equal?. In Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design (Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 119-128). Cambridge University Press.

Jones, D. E., Snider, C., Kent, L. and Hicks, B. (2019) “Early Stage Digital Twins for Early Stage Engineering Design,” Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design. Cambridge University Press, 1(1), pp. 2557–2566.

PhD Thesis

Prototyping is a critical and ubiquitous activity that occurs throughout the design process, and the generated prototypes have multivariate purpose and value. Prototypes are typically either virtual or physical manifestations, but the emerging field of mixed reality provides the capability to couple the virtual and physical domains, reducing domain transition costs.

Mixed reality technologies are rapidly maturing, with many examples appearing in industry, but their value to design is still not well understood or articulated. Current state of the art does not present how to identify when a mixed domain approach may be suitable, or how best to realise and maximise value.

Prototypes are identified as having particular significant value as artefacts for communication, both within design teams, and with internal and external stakeholders. Should stakeholders be afforded tools that enable independent exploration of a design space, more rich solutions can be posed.

This thesis looks at the value of mixed reality prototypes and prototyping tools in the context of participatory prototyping, considering if and how mixed reality prototypes could enable a wider range of stakeholders to contribute to a design, leading to better outcomes.

By first looking at what advantages mixed reality prototypes contribute to a design process, the found benefits are leveraged to identify three use cases for deeper investigation. These three use cases span a range of industries and applications, looking to provide a breadth of capability and understanding. The findings from these use case studies are appraised individually and collectively, leading to a generalised set of considerations that will ensure the value of the mixed reality facilitated participatory prototyping tool is maximised.

The work presented in this thesis represents a step forward in the clarity of value for mixed reality to a design process, both for participatory prototyping and design more generally. Future work would look to validate, apply, and build on the recommendations to a wider range of use cases embedded in industrial and civic projects.

Improving participatory prototyping using mixed reality