Projects: Template


After a long stretch of journal writing, I decided to unwind by working on a game. Having played a lot of chess recently, I came up with the idea of creating a maze game where player movement is limited to chess pieces. The goal is to move through a maze as different chess pieces, trying to reach the queen. This project began a few years ago, and since then, I've spent much of my time using game engines for various non-game-related projects. However, I was eager to revisit this maze game framework.

One of the key features I wanted to add was a 3D component. I envisioned a non-Euclidean space—a maze where the player could explore a cube (or a shape with infinite sides!). I built the game and its components from scratch with the goal of developing an Android app. The game is now fully playable, and you can find it on the app store! You can check out the video below to see the game in action.
